The Future of Human Agency

The future of AI and humanity

Experts are divided on the extent to which humans will retain control over decision-making as AI and digital systems become more prevalent. While powerful corporations and governments continue to integrate AI into people’s daily lives, concerns arise about the potential for individuals to lose autonomy. Pew Research Center and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center conducted a survey, asking 540 technology innovators, developers, business and policy leaders, researchers, academics, and activists: “By 2035, will smart machines, bots, and systems powered by AI be designed to allow humans to easily be in control of most tech-aided decision-making relevant to their lives?”

The results of the survey showed that 56% of experts agreed that, by 2035, humans will not have easy control over tech-aided decision-making, while 44% believed that humans will be able to maintain control. It should be noted that many experts acknowledged the potential positive and negative consequences of these technologies on human agency. They also recognized that throughout history, humans have either willingly or unwillingly relinquished decision-making authority to various entities.

Several key themes emerged from the experts’ responses. Among those who predicted limited human control over decision-making, concerns were raised about the potential exploitation of AI systems for labor and market exploitation. Experts also highlighted the challenge of understanding the long-term impact of black box systems and non-transparent AI.

On the other hand, experts who believed humans would retain control emphasized the importance of human judgment in decision-making. They argued that AI systems should support and assist human decision-making, rather than replace it entirely. These experts highlighted the need for human input, particularly in complex decision-making that requires nuanced perception and judgment.

The survey also revealed that the future of human agency will be shaped by the evolving understanding of AI’s limitations and the development of laws and regulations to ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI systems. Some experts expressed optimism that decision-making systems would be refined and regulated to prevent biases and ensure human oversight.

Ultimately, the future of human agency in the era of AI will depend on ongoing societal discussions and debates. Questions about the definition and boundaries of human agency will continue to arise as people navigate their relationships with technology. While AI has the potential to enhance decision-making processes, it also poses challenges that need to be addressed to safeguard human autonomy.


Q: Will humans retain control over decision-making as AI and digital systems become more prevalent?

A: Experts are divided on this question. While some believe that humans will be able to maintain control, others argue that AI systems will not be designed to allow humans easy control over decision-making by 2035. The future of human agency depends on ongoing debates and the development of regulations to ensure transparency and accountability in AI systems.


The future of human agency in an AI-driven world remains uncertain. Experts express a range of opinions, with some believing that humans will retain control over decision-making, while others foresee limited control. As technology continues to evolve, discussions about the definition and boundaries of human agency will play a crucial role in shaping the relationship between humans and AI. It is only through thoughtful regulation and ongoing dialogue that we can ensure the responsible and beneficial integration of AI in our lives.

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