Explore-2-Build (E2B) Clean Energy

The University of Virginia (UVA) is launching the Explore-2-Build (E2B) initiative, funded through the Grand Challenge investment in Environmental Resilience & Sustainability as part of the university’s Great and Good 2030 Plan. The current cycle of the E2B initiative focuses on advancing research and innovation in clean energy.

Advancing Clean Energy Technologies

The E2B on Clean Energy seeks cross-disciplinary proposals that push the boundaries of science, technology, and the adoption of clean energy technologies. The aim is to leverage the existing strengths of UVA faculty and make a global impact.

Clean energy, for the purpose of this initiative, encompasses various renewable sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, and hydropower, where UVA has already demonstrated its expertise. It also involves advancements in technologies for the storage and distribution of clean energy, developments in materials that significantly impact energy consumption across sectors like transportation, industry, and agriculture, as well as the promotion of a carbon-neutral economy.

Proposals must address barriers and opportunities related to the adoption of clean energy technologies while maintaining a strong emphasis on STEM initiatives within the clean energy domain.

Funding and Timeline

Successful proposals will receive awards of up to $300,000 for three-year projects, with a maximum of $100,000 per year. The anticipated start date is January 2024, and the end date is expected to be December 2026.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals for the E2B initiative will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Responsiveness to the solicitation, including potential for extramural support and interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Appropriateness of the project’s size and scope to compete effectively for external funding
  • Evidence of substantial existing strength in the proposed research area
  • Contextualization of UVA’s strengths and competitive advantage in comparison to other groups and institutions
  • Vision of creating a global impact
  • Qualifications of the investigators to conduct the proposed activities, including their expertise and credibility for external funding
  • Availability of adequate resources to carry out the proposed activities
  • Credible approach to pursuing external funding

The deadline for proposal submission is November 13, 2023. Submissions should be sent via email to Cheryl-vpr@virginia.edu as a single PDF. The PDF should follow specific formatting guidelines, including a maximum of three pages for the project narrative section and two pages for CVs of key personnel. Budget outlines and information about supporters should also be included.


Q: What is the Explore-2-Build (E2B) initiative?
A: The Explore-2-Build (E2B) initiative is a funding program at the University of Virginia aimed at advancing research and innovation in various fields. The current cycle focuses on clean energy.

Q: What are the key areas of focus for the E2B Clean Energy initiative?
A: The E2B Clean Energy initiative seeks proposals that address the adoption of clean energy technologies, advancements in energy storage and distribution, developments in materials impacting energy consumption, and the promotion of a carbon-neutral economy.

Q: What is the funding amount available for successful proposals?
A: Successful proposals will receive awards of up to $300,000 for three-year projects, with a maximum of $100,000 per year.


The University of Virginia’s Explore-2-Build (E2B) Clean Energy initiative aims to propel the advancement of clean energy technologies through cross-disciplinary research and innovation. By leveraging the university’s existing strengths and promoting a global impact, UVA is committed to addressing the barriers and opportunities in the adoption of clean energy. With substantial funding available, researchers and experts have the opportunity to make significant contributions to a sustainable future.

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