Tackling Bias in Artificial Intelligence: A Path Towards Fairness

artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly integrated into various sensitive areas such as hiring, criminal justice, and healthcare. However, the use of AI has also brought attention to the issue of bias and fairness. Interestingly, human decision-making processes in these domains are also vulnerable to biases, some of which are unconscious. The question arises: will AI’s decisions be less biased than human decisions or will they exacerbate these problems? In this article, we will explore the topic of bias in AI, its implications, and potential solutions.

AI Can Reduce Bias, but also Embed and Amplify It

Research shows that biases in human decision-making are well-documented. Judges’ decisions can be unconsciously influenced by personal characteristics, and employers have shown different interview rates for candidates with identical qualifications but different ethnic names. Furthermore, human decisions can be difficult to review due to factors such as unconscious bias or lack of understanding of the thought process.

AI, on the other hand, has the potential to reduce subjective interpretation by only considering variables that enhance predictive accuracy. Algorithms have been shown to improve decision-making in areas such as criminal justice and financial underwriting, making them fairer and more transparent. Unlike human decisions, AI decisions can be examined and interrogated. As Andrew McAfee of MIT puts it, “If you want the bias out, get the algorithms in.”

However, evidence also suggests that AI models can embed and amplify biases. For instance, facial analysis technologies and image searches have shown disparities based on race and gender. In other cases, biases may be introduced through the underlying data used to train AI models. For example, word embeddings trained on news articles may reflect societal gender stereotypes. Biased data collection methods and statistical correlations can also lead to bias within AI systems.

The Role of Data in Bias

In many cases, the main source of bias lies in the underlying data rather than the algorithm itself. Data that reflects historical inequities or decisions made by biased individuals can perpetuate and amplify biases. Oversampling certain communities in criminal justice models contributes to overpolicing and more crime being recorded. Furthermore, user-generated data can create feedback loops that reinforce bias.

There is also a challenge in defining and measuring fairness when it comes to AI systems. Multiple definitions of fairness exist, and trade-offs between different metrics or between fairness and other objectives may arise. Crafting a single universal definition of fairness may not be possible, and different metrics and standards may be required depending on the circumstances.

Advancements and Future Considerations

Efforts are being made to tackle bias in AI systems. These include pre-processing techniques to maintain accuracy while reducing relationships between outcomes and protected characteristics, post-processing techniques to transform predictions and meet fairness constraints, and fairness constraints applied during the optimization process. Researchers are also exploring innovative training techniques, such as transfer learning and decoupled classifiers, to reduce biases in AI models.

Moreover, techniques developed for explainability in AI systems can help identify and mitigate bias by examining the factors considered in decision-making processes. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that human judgment is necessary to ensure AI-supported decision-making is fair. Setting standards and determining when a system has sufficiently minimized bias requires interdisciplinary collaboration and considering social, legal, and ethical frameworks.

To maximize fairness and minimize bias in AI, several paths forward can be considered:

  1. Awareness of domains prone to unfair bias and understanding where AI can help correct bias and where it could exacerbate it.
  2. Establishment of processes to test for and mitigate bias in AI systems, involving technical tools, operational strategies, and transparency.
  3. Engaging in fact-based conversations about biases in human decision-making, reevaluating fairness proxies, and considering AI’s role in surfacing biases.
  4. Exploring human-machine collaboration, identifying situations where automated decision-making is acceptable, and ways to improve transparency and understanding.
  5. Increased investment in bias research, making data available for research (while respecting privacy), and adopting a multidisciplinary approach.
  6. Increased investment in diversifying the AI field itself to ensure diverse perspectives and better identification of bias-related issues.

By addressing bias in AI and improving fairness, trust in these systems can be established, unlocking their full potential to drive benefits for businesses, the economy, and society.


Q: Can AI completely eliminate bias in decision-making?
AI has the potential to reduce bias by considering only variables that enhance predictive accuracy and by making decisions more transparent. However, biases can still be embedded and amplified within AI systems, largely due to biases in the underlying data used for training. Achieving total elimination of bias in decision-making may be challenging but striving for fairness remains critical.

Q: How can biases in human decision-making be examined?
Evaluating biases in human decision-making can be complex. One approach is to compare the outcomes of algorithms running alongside human decision-makers and examining the factors that contribute to differences. Moreover, when biases are detected in models trained on human decisions, organizations should consider improving their human-driven processes. It is important to hold human decision-making to a higher standard and explore ways that AI can assist in identifying and addressing biases.

Q: What steps can organizations take to minimize bias in AI systems?
Organizations can establish processes and practices to test for and mitigate bias in AI systems. This can include using technical tools to highlight potential biases, improving data collection methods, involving internal or external audits, and being transparent about processes and metrics. Ongoing efforts to engage in fact-based conversations about biases in human decision-making and exploring human-machine collaboration can also contribute to minimizing bias in AI systems.

Q: What role does interdisciplinary collaboration play in addressing bias in AI?
Addressing bias in AI requires a multidisciplinary approach involving experts from various fields such as social sciences, law, ethics, and technology. Collaborative efforts can help define fairness, develop standards, and evaluate the role of AI decision-making. Leveraging diverse perspectives and expertise can lead to more comprehensive solutions and better identification of biases in AI systems.


As the use of artificial intelligence becomes increasingly prevalent in sensitive areas, addressing bias and ensuring fairness are essential. While AI has the potential to reduce bias, it can also unintentionally perpetuate and amplify biases. Combating bias in AI requires interdisciplinary collaboration, continuous research, and the establishment of processes and practices to test and mitigate bias. By taking proactive steps to minimize bias, organizations can build trust in AI systems and unlock their full potential for driving positive change.